Saturday, August 20, 2011

Gender Reveal Cake

There is a new trend among pregnant people. The utlra sound technician writes down the gender of the baby and seals it inside an envelope. The couple takes the envelope to the bakery and the bakery will make a cake and dye the inside of the cake blue or pink--depending on the sex of the baby. The cake is then covered, so you can't see the color.

The couple will host a party and everyone will find out the sex when the cake is cut into. A couple contacted me and asked me to make a gender reveal cake for them. It was pretty cool to be the only one to know what the couple was having!

And since the party has already occured I can tell everyone. . .IT'S A GIRL!!!

July 31

I went a bit nuts on July 31. I have 6 cakes due that day. Never again. I will NEVER agree to make that many cakes on one occasion!!

The first cake was for a wonderful little girl named Audrey. She was the flower girl in my wedding and turned six at the end of July. Her cake was a simple sheet cake, cut out to spell "six." The dot of the "i" was her own personal cupcake.

I also made a burnt coconut cake for my friend Peggy, who's mother was celebrating her 80th birthday. This cake is one I've made a few times before (and blogged about). It's a favorite of a lot of people.
Finally, my mother-in-law co hosted a bridal shower for a friend's future daughter-in-law (follow that?) I made them a french vanilla filled bridal shower cake, but then they also had a sampling. I forgot to take pictures of all the cakes in the sampling, but there was a strawberry shortcake, whipped chocolate cake and a small burnt coconut.

I made a bridal shower cake, but that was during those few weeks when the heat and humidity was over 100 degrees. This makes cake decorating very difficult. As I was decorating the cake, things started to get soft and the top layer sunk into the bottom layer. So the NIGHT before I was running around making a new cake and planning out how to make it all work out. I went with a totally different design and ended up with this:

The flowers didn't have a lot of time to dry, but all in all, the cake turned out alright. The chocolate fondant is probably the best tasting fondant there is. Since fondant is mainly marshmallows and sugars, most people do not like the taste of it. You can buy oils and flavorings, but it's a pretty difficult process. The chocolate tastes much better with a lot less effort!

Root Beer Float

I've been INCREDIBLY delayed on posting about my recent cakes. I've made quite a few cakes lately and I have pictures of most of them. Back in July I made a cake for my niece, mother-in-law and grandmother-in-law to celebrate their birthdays. They all have birthdays with in a week and a half span in July.

The cake itself was pretty ugly. I tried to combine a bunch of colors and designs and it looked like a Crayon box had been eaten and thrown up, so there weren't be a picture.

BUT, I experimented and made a Root Beer Float cake. It was awesome. The cake itself tasted like root beer, but when you mixed it with the butter cream icing, it tasted just like a float. Lots of rave reviews and in all reality, pretty easy to make!